When a building is selected and if a ground rally point is set the rally point will briefly animate. Efforts should first be concentrated on running a number of key colleges and universities well. 当选中一个建筑中并且它的集结地点已经设置,那么集结地点的位置将会简单的显示。
In order to inquiry into the grinding characteristics of cemented carbide cutting tools, the ground point appearances of eight kinds of cemented carbide inserts are investigated by contrast test. 对陶瓷刀具和硬质合金刀具进行了镍基粉末冶金零件的干切削对比试验,测量了切削力和加工表面粗糙度,分析了刀具的磨损机理。
Shields are often "grounded," that is, they are connected to an earth ground point. 屏蔽通常是“接地”的,也就是说,它们被连接到一个接地点。
A ground control point based stereo matching algorithm via iterative dynamic programming is proposed. 提出一种基于地面控制点的迭代动态规划立体匹配算法。
When possible, try to maintain a single system ground point. 如果可能,应尽量采用单一的系统接地点。
Automatic precise rectification for space-borne SAR image based on ground control point database 基于GCP库的星载SAR图像自动精校正
An activated electrical load can produce a spark when the ground cable touches the ground point. 接地电缆碰到接地点时,启用的电气负载会产生火花。
To do this, unplug the control unit and disconnect the ground point. 为此,请拔下控制单元并断开接地点。
Run all ground wires to a common ground point. His remarks were a bit out of place. 把所有地线连到一公共的接地点。他的话有点不恰当。
Disconnect the ground point of the engine control unit. 断开发动机控制单元的接地点。
When using the fuel transfer unit, always make sure that the grounding cable is connected to a ground point on the vehicle. 使用燃油传输单元时,应始终确保接地电缆连接至车辆接地线连接点。
The research results indicate that dynamic subsidence of the ground surface point follow the fractal increment model in a proper non-scaling interval. 研究表明,地表动态下沉在一定的无标度区间符合自相似分形增长模式。
A remote sensing image ground control point matching algorithm based on dynamic template and conformal transform 一种基于动态模板和等角变换的遥感影像地面控制点匹配算法
It is not necessary to change positions of input voltage and ground point. It can realize voltage-mode second-order lowpass, highpass, bandpass, notch and allpass filtering characteristics. Zero parameters and pole parameters of all kinds of filters are adjustable independently. 它无需改变输入电压和接地点的位置,可实现电压模式二阶低通、高通、带通、陷波和全通滤波特性,且各滤波电路的零点参数和极点参数均可独立调节。
Probe into the Moving Time of Ground Point 地表点移动时间探讨
This design solved the problem that ground point of DC system can't be automatically detected in our country. 该系统的开发解决了我国电力系统中直流系统接地点探测长期不能自动监测的难题。
Ground control point data is the essential datum for geometry processing in the photogrammetry. 地面控制点数据是航天航空图像摄影测量几何处理的必需数据。
Through research on domestic and foreign financing of technology innovation practice, after inducing and regulation, use of comparison analysis, comparing practice of financing of technology innovation in different countries, finding common ground and point the gap that china situation to them. 通过发达国家和发展中国家技术创新融资的实践研究,经归纳整理,运用比较分析方法,对各国技术创新融资的经验进行了比较栈出了共同点及中国目前的差距。
The regularity of the dynamic subsidence fractal increment of the ground surface point is revealed for the first time. 首次研究揭示了地表点动态下沉的分形增长规律。
It is one of crucial techniques to process the data from remote sensing for its practical utilization. The Imagery Geometric Precision Correction is the approach to correct the remote sensing image through the ground control point ( GCP). 遥感资料的准备和处理是遥感技术在实际应用中的核心工作,几何精校正是利用地面控制点(GCP)对遥感影像进行的几何校正。
A block is formed by the image sequence acquired with the satellite formation, and the block aerotriangulation by bundle method is applied to get coordinate of ground point. 卫星编队拍摄的序列图像可组成多轨道区域网,通过区域网光束法平差解算就可以获得目标点坐标。
When a cross-country grounded fault occurs, a ground point appears. The zero-sequence currents of parallel are not equal. It greatly increases the difficulty of the realization of the distance protection. 由于跨线接地故障发生,多出一个接地点,两回线零序电流不再相等,增加了距离保护的实现难度。
Compared with the commonly used method of fault line selection and fault distance measure, This method connects the features of fifth harmonic under static state with the cross electromagnetic field, and achieve outdoor detection of ground faults point. 相对目前普遍采用的选线和测距方式,该方法将静态电流电压与空间电磁场联系起来,实现接地故障点户外探测。
The absolute accuracy analysis method is to compare the DEM accuracy under different combination of GPS base station and ground control point. 绝对精度的分析是通过研究不同GPS地面基站和地面控制点的组合来对数字高程模型的影响来进行。
This method has better effect on filtering LiDAR ground point cloud and retaining continuous undulate topography at the same time. 该方法能有效过滤非地面点并保留具有连续起伏变化的地形。
Edge column more likely occurs the destruction than middle column, ground point of bottom column take places the plastic changes first. 边柱比中柱更容易发生破坏,底层柱的接地点最先发生塑性变化,塑性铰由结构的底部向上发展。
The developed automatic location system has achieved good results in the field experiment. It can locate single phase ground fault point, automatically and accurately. 本文研究的单相接地故障自动定位系统在现场实验的过程中取得了良好的效果,完全可以实现配电网单相接地故障的自动、准确定位。
This dissertation focuses on the theme of airborne LiDAR data classification, and puts keystone on the study of airborne LiDAR data filtering, non-ground point cloud classification and ground point cloud classification, which gets along in theory and arithmetic to some extent. 本文紧紧围绕机载LiDAR点云数据分类这一主题,重点研究了机载LiDAR数据滤波、非地面点云分类和地面点云分类等方面的内容,在理论和算法上取得了一定进展。
To the situation using single ground control point, transferring coefficient between inputting error and reconstructing error was analyzed. 并对单控制点情况,分析了此时输入参数误差到重建误差的传递系数。
After analyzing the results of the cable network capacitive current, grounding resistance, ground point location and grounding protection methods on the degree of influence system operation have been obtained. 经过分析上述计算结果得到了电缆网电容电流、接地电阻、接地点位置及接地保护方式对系统运行的影响程度。